
Music Teachers Association 


Columbine Music Teachers Association (CMTA) is an educational non-profit organization for music teachers in the southwest suburban Denver area, including the communities of Littleton, Lakewood and Highlands Ranch.  

Founded in 1990, the purpose of CMTA is to further the art of music and to promote the growth and professional development of its members by providing programs that encourage and support teaching, performance, composition, and research.

CMTA is a local chapter of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) and is also affiliated with the Colorado State Music Teachers Association (CSMTA).  We were awarded Local Association of the Year by CSMTA in 2011, 2016, and 2021!

2023-2024 CMTA Board:  Roxane Geisler-Vice President,  Mark Paulson-President, Jeanie Schroder-Treasurer, Kristen Celusniak-Immediate Past-President,  Arlyce Black-Secretary

Join Us

Active membership is available to any individual professionally engaged in a music activity

who is a member of Music Teachers National Association and Colorado State MTA.

Join or renew your membership at MTNA.  Please select Columbine MTA as your local association.


Ten Great Reasons to Join Columbine Music Teachers Association 

For more information, contact CMTA at